
Join Us on the Journey
Every Sunday at 10am


At CPC, we believe that life is better together

In fact, we believe that God does something special when we’re gathered in Jesus’ name…we receive a healing hope that we can share when we’re scattered throughout the Lower Mainland each week!

What To Expect…

Let’s be honest… we’re not perfect… so really, just come as you are.  CPC is a place where you can belong before you believe.  Sunday mornings are casual, no need to dress up.  A typical service lasts about 70 minutes. There will be live music and we’ll gather, pray, listen to a message, and encourage each other. Children and youth join us in the sanctuary for the beginning of the Worship Service. They are then dismissed for their very own time of teaching.

Our hope is that you feel at home!

Our office is open on Tuesdays and Wednesdays
from 9:30am-12:30pm

You can contact us by email at
or by phone 604.939.6136

What’s Happening @ CPC?

“The Chosen”

Wednesday Nights at 7pm

(starting March 5)

FREE Clothing Giveaway

Saturday, April 5th


Youth Group

Fridays during the school year

7:30pm – 9:30pm